Thursday, February 17, 2022

 Published in Cathexis Northwest Press, Jan.2022 with a recording of the poem.

Loki Ponders Viennese Wisdom

Loki briefly skims

the paperback (meme-bright) Freud, but even

with that he begins an after-dinner chat.

Loki swims in said chatter

to map the Id to the root Mind -

the Pristine Primordial consciousness.

The coke-conflicted patriarch declines,

looking into humanity

through his sugar-addictions.

Loki’s concluded the Sachertorte

needs must be seasoned by,

oh, I don’t know, mama ayahuasca?

But Loki just looks for laughs

as though a chuckle could replace

the wave’s hunger to be the sea.

(On a more serious note,

Loki can’t find the melody anymore.

He’s unaware he and Freud are in assisted living.)

So, let’s say on today’s table, neither myths nor dreams

hold valid keywords; data upstages lore.

Both are jailed in the escape of all search engines.

So, the engineers are free to fall asleep,

dazed in hunger’s satiation,

glazed with a small bit of synecdoche.

So, in creation’s borderland we see what we are,

the cosmic dissociative identity disorder;

brandy and cigars.

Blinding, winding, out on a limb, what for?

Loki and Sigmund sittin’ in a tree…

Even business for monkeys is metaphor.

Wednesday, February 16, 2022

  Published in The Write Launch Issue 52, Summer, 2021.

The Green Coin

it's happened... we flip through a dark path of product placement and algorithms’ pornography and sound monetary policy where the young disinterestedly wait for the nothing left that’s documented to fall in their laps. born with the spoon of acid rain and rising tides in their mouths, gagging against the wounded air. the pornography takes up their time as policy keeps queues circling the castle of abundance like a moat, while inside the fading elders pull rabbits from silk hats. jeunesse dorée shuffling expired tags and rearranging the deck chairs on this interstellar Ship of Fools.

what i knew no longer has legs. so it storms no barricades, gets filed. i see the neo-communards impatient with my stare of longing and distance and so we both step away. though their weight has primacy over air, the center topples inwardly, a three-dimensional mandala, linguistic circles and holding patterns, and there is no joy in the residual formula of this rabid shelf life of drained desire. the desires of impedance. bloodletting returns and the circuits quit before any number of high noons. rain rusts itself with the long lost promise of Consciousness.

crusty cassandra becomes a welcome paper rolled to slap the dog-blood snout as though discipline itself could raise a new song, hard luck hotels and schools uniformly loosen from the bowels of the city on the hill, the slippery slopes, the shadow under a bushel. the exchanges flattened and made roadkill by the crypto currencies, the zombie digitations and the market arsonists wearing Prada.

regularity where girls cut themselves off and on the arms, pull out their eyebrows and ApplePay, slow pitch, plucky but underemployed in the fried song they lament. lament?

regularity where boys face a jury of fractal peers, upsetting the runaway rejoinders, pushing all the buttons sold them to vanquish the enemies only alive in the screens in their palms, then they rest and press return in gonadal imitation, atavistic, alone and Copyrighted.

my youthful dreams and indiscretions also fell too short. my sense of an ending frankly corrodes. i might have wanted the abraham lincoln brigade, but instead saw trotskyites trash maoists in the late sun at kerkoff…and then studied for finals with the australian criminal in the occupied buildings. sendero oscuro. the choirs of Reason burned liberty like a wax log. we didn’t give in, we gave up.

too old to pivot in this protection you have in your white-gloved hands. too late to count on pinpricks through the syntax and asymmetry. too thick with grievance to track the crossing of the sun, the shadowlands caught in what looks like amber, the Golden Mean pragmatic to say the least. saying the least. stopping speech won’t work either.

what Angel is not a terrible prayer, a matter of timing, a trust pocketed like a magician’s green coin.

eight ignoble promises broken by the supply-side husbandry of the world. particles of broken stars adhered in our mind and in the generous mysteries and we still couldn’t keep track. we tore down the temple walls to find that tease Sophia, but got drunk with our power to destroy. we fell in love with destruction and lost her thread, so hand her absence to you as your birthright. taglit the burning plains, the trees drying from spreadsheets and MBAs, all we leave you is the disease of appetites. the symptom of a season of facts.

the hermit hides peas under walnut shells. the economies, austere or inflationary, skip rope over the human instance, now famulus only to carbon clouds. neither pension nor gold watch sentimentalizes the pocket change. we had fit and filthy lucre and the thousand things Lao Tsu promised, while you face the natural world’s cliffhanger, poised to douse the fake fires of human commerce, interest rates and physiologies. bank on it. bank on it, o bank on it my mistake, my children, my next flipped patisandhi-citta of thumbs and regret

be my silent guests in springs of living silence. let the end of days go viral. logic seeded in the dizziness of hybrids. we left you absolutely nothing, and nothing absolute. the sun really did ask, do you feel lucky Punk? two out of three? what profit it a man to perish on cue. even this jeremiad that wants to apologize, and tell you I love you, wants what can never be wanted…

no ribbons for the third-place finish or honorable mention. it’s in the final air, spinning higher than our hands, opened now with the adorations. Águila o Sol.

I Too Think Poetry is Dead 

When god died it didn’t seem that much of a problem.  There was plenty of art to go around even when science got too proud.  Then media-wise sophistry carved out niches for any believer who wanted a rest, who could find time to construct chapels and caves in sociology and sex. 

When god still dies, it seems like old news already.  So old it presents no new problems, in fact, is welcome relief.

And then there was philosophy with cinematic Ubermensch and kenosis as doorstop rivals. Or the archaic victories of Apollo and the stern refutations of De Tractatus.  Hegel, math-challenged himself, adapted to public policy on economic development, I mean, what the fuck?  Who even cared to bemoan god’s loss except the SUV churches anyway?  The Trump heretics. Inchoate lunacy.  But for you, a certain Danish depression takes you closer to “heaven” anyway, right?  Anyway, right?

But poetry, now that’s fucked up.  Quotidian bookends indeed.  There isn’t much left that’s not in a cask with ashes; the academic career, the workshop lyric and résumé, the carefully posed obit pic for only a few thousand anyway, so who cares if it’s dead. 

I too wanted the picture of health.  I too wanted to make a road by walking.  I too wanted to work for insurance companies and commit suicide in the Gulf of Mexico.   I too wanted a mending wall of facts, scattered from the Gospel of Saint-John Perse. I was spellbound by a four piece suit.  But Jesus Christ, man,  I am not leaving this shore.  The invasion of the modern world marches inland; it’ll be better when there’s nothing left. Nothing in the ascent.

 Sticking my hand in the space between these very lines.  When it stops, the sound that always was, is heard.  

The breath of tireless wolves.

Published in Prospectus, a Literary Offering, Summer, 2021

‘The poet makes himself a seer by a long, gigantic and rational derangement of the senses. All forms of love, suffering, and madness. He searches himself. He exhausts all poisons in himself and keeps only their quintessences. Unspeakable torture where he needs all his faith, all his superhuman strength, where he becomes among all men the great patient, the great criminal, the one accursed – and the supreme Scholar! – Because he reaches the unknown! Since he cultivated his soul, rich already, more than any man! He reaches the unknown, and when, bewildered, he ends by losing the intelligence of his visions, he has seen them. Let him die as he leaps through unheard of and unnameable things.’

Arthur Rimbaud to Paul Demeny, May 15 1871

 Three prose poems published in the Spring, 2025 issue of  Everscribe Alchemy But in a great house there are not only vessels of gold and ...